21 Feb

Meeting between the Chairperson of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan and the Chief Cabinet Secretary of Japan

On February 21, 2024, Chairperson of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan D. Gulmanova met with Chief Cabinet Secretary of Japan Yoshimasa Hayashi. During the meeting, the parties discussed issues related to the interparliamentary relations and cooperation between Turkmenistan and Japan across various domains including politics, economy, trade, culture, and the humanitarian sphere. Chairperson of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan, D. Gulmanova, emphasized that Turkmenistan’s state policy places significant...

18 Feb

В МИД Туркменистана подписан пакет документов со специализированными учреждениями ООН

В настоящее время Туркменистан значительно расширяет традиционное сотрудничество с Организацией Объединенных Наций и особенно ее структурными подразделениями по актуальным вопросам двустороннего и многостороннего сотрудничества. Взаимный интерес к осуществлению совместных проектов соответствует долгосрочному характеру сотрудничества Туркменистана с ООН и является действенным импульсом для успешного решения всех поставленных целей и задач на благо дальнейшего развития страны. Так, 18 февраля 2...

18 Feb

Пресс-релиз мероприятий по случаю Дня дипломатического работника Туркменистана

18 февраля 2024 года в конференц-зале Института международных отношений МИД Туркменистана состоялась международная конференция «Концепция мира Махтумкули Фраги и дипломатия нейтрального Туркменистана». В работе конференции приняли участие руководители и сотрудники дипломатической службы Туркменистана, дипломатических миссий и представительств международных организаций, работающих в Туркменистане, преподаватели и студенты высших учебных заведений, представители общественных организаций страны,...

18 Feb

Türkmenistanyň Prezidenti diplomatlary hünär baýramy bilen gutlady

Hormatly Türkmenistanyň diplomatik işgärleri! Sizi Türkmenistanyň diplomatik işgärleriniň güni mynasybetli tüýs ýürekden gutlaýaryn. «Pähim-paýhas ummany Magtymguly Pyragy» ýyly şygary astynda geçýän 2024-nji ýylda Watanymyzyň halkara abraýyny we oňyn täsirini güýçlendirmek üçin döwletimiziň diplomatik gullugynyň işgärleriniň öňünde goýlan belent wezipeleri talabalaýyk ýerine ýetirmek ugrunda yhlas bilen zähmet çekjekdigiňize ynanýaryn. Türkmenistanyň Prezidentiniň Permany bilen, 2009-njy...

15 Feb

The international cultural conference dedicated to the work of Magtymguly Fragi took place in Bucharest

On February 15, 2024, on the eve of Diplomat's Day, the Embassy of Turkmenistan in Romania organized an international cultural conference entitled “Magtymguly Pyragy - Turkmen educator, thinker and poet of the world” and an exhibition dedicated to the work of the poet, which will last until February 25, 2024 at the National Library of Romania. The conference was attended by representatives of diplomatic missions accredited in Romania, members of Parliament, heads of ministries and departments...

15 Feb

Meeting with the Director of the Sustainable Energy Division of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) Dario Liguti

On February 15, 2024, a meeting was held between the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan M.Byashimova and the Director of the Sustainable Energy Department of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) Dario Liguti. During the meeting, prospects for cooperation in the field of green energy, sustainable energy and reduction of methane emissions were discussed, as well as the results of the «“Straight Talk”: Synergy between renewable energy sources and natural gas...

14 Feb

Participation of the Turkmen delegation in the next meeting of special representatives of the Central Asian states and the EU on Afghanistan

On February 14, 2024, the fifth meeting of the special representatives of the Central Asian states and the European Union for Afghanistan is taking place in Bishkek, which was also attended by the special representative of the UN Secretary-General, the head of the UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan. The Turkmen delegation at the meeting was headed by Deputy minister of foreign affairs of Turkmenistan Ahmed Gurbanov. At the meeting, experts from the participating countries exchanged opinions...