26 Feb

About the meeting with the Afghan delegation led by the Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs of Afghanistan

On February 26, 2024, in Ashgabat, a meeting was held between the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan Rashid Meredov and a delegation that arrived in Turkmenistan led by the acting Minister of Foreign Affairs of Afghanistan Amir Khan Mottaki, consisting of representatives of various government agencies of Afghanistan, including the Ministry of Mining and Petroleum, energy company “Da Afghanistan Breshna Sherkat”, Afghanistan Railway Authority. During the negotiations, the parties cons...

26 Feb

Türkmenistanyň DIM-de ÝHHG-niň Aşgabatdaky merkeziniň ýolbaşçysy bilen duşuşyk

Şu gün, 2024-nji ýylyň 26-njy fewralynda Türkmenistanyň Daşary işler ministriniň orunbasary M.Bäşimowanyň ÝHHG-niň Aşgabatdaky merkeziniň ýolbaşçysy, Ilçi J.MakGregor bilen duşuşygy geçirildi. Gepleşikleriň dowamynda, şu ýylyň martynda meýilleşdirilýän ÝHHG-niň Baş sekretary Helga Şmidiň Türkmenistana saparynyň guramaçylyk işleri, şeýle hem bu saparyň çäginde Merkezi Aziýa ýurtlarynyň Daşky gurşawy goramak ministrleriniň ýokary derejeli duşuşygyny geçirmek meseleleri ara alnyp maslahatlaşyldy...

25 Feb

Press release on the regular meeting of the Presidium of the Halk Maslahaty

On February 22, 2024, under the chairmanship of the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, a meeting of the Presidium of the Halk Maslakhaty was held. The agenda of the meeting included tasks for the successful implementation of the “Program of socio-economic development of Turkmenistan and investments in 2024”, discussion of the Work Plan and activities in the main areas of activity of the Halk Maslahaty, scheduled for...

23 Feb

HHR-iň DIM-niň Owganystanyň işleri boýunça ýörite wekili bilen duşuşyk barada

2024-nji ýylyň 23-nji fewralynda Türkmenistanyň DIM-inde Türkmenistanyň Daşary işler ministriniň orunbasary Ahmet Gurbanowyň Hytaý Halk Respublikasynyň  DIM-niň Owganystanyň işleri boýunça ýörite wekili Ýue Sýaoýong bilen duşuşygy geçirildi. Duşuşykda Türkmenistan bilen Hytaýyň arasyndaky strategiki hyzmatdaşlygyň ýokary derejesi we onuň özara düşünişmek hem-de birek-biregi goldamak häsiýete eýedigi barada bellenildi. Şunuň bilen baglylykda, ikitaraplaýyn gatnaşyklaryň işjeňleşdirilmeginde ik...

22 Feb

Meeting of the head of the MFA of Turkmenistan with the Regional Director of the ILO

On February 22, 2024, a meeting was held between the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan Rashid Meredov and the Assistant Director General, Regional Director of the International Labor Organization for Europe and Central Asia Beata Andres. During the conversation, the parties noted a noticeable increase in cooperation between Turkmenistan and the International Labor Organization. Along with this, an exchange of views took place on the results of the visit, including the results of...

22 Feb

The parliamentary delegation of Turkmenistan met with students in Japan

On February 22, 2024, within the framework of the working visit of the delegation of the Parliament of Turkmenistan to Japan, members of the Mejlis led by Chairman D.Gulmanova met in Tokyo with Turkmen students studying in Japan. During the meeting, the idea and significance of the year’s motto “Fount of Wisdom Magtymguly Fragi,” as well as the favorable conditions created for youth in our country, were discussed. The speeches made during the conversation covered opportunities for obtainin...

22 Feb

Türkmenistan we Ýaponiýa parlamentara gepleşikleri giňeltmegi maksat edinýär

2024-nji ýylyň 22-nji fewralynda Türkmenistanyň Mejlisiniň Başlygy Dünýägözel Gulmanowa bilen Ýaponiýanyň Wekiller palatasynyň Başlygy Fukuşiro Nukaganyň arasynda duşuşyk geçirildi. Duşuşygyň dowamynda taraplar Türkmenistanyň we Ýaponiýanyň parlamentara gatnaşyklaryny ösdürmek bilen bagly meseleleri ara alyp maslahatlaşdylar. Türkmenistanyň Mejlisiniň Başlygy 2022-nji ýylyň sentýabrynda Türkmen halkynyň Milli Lideri, Türkmenistanyň Halk Maslahatynyň Başlygy Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedowyň Ýapo...